Wednesday, September 2, 2015


2015-09-03 04:17:54 經濟日報 編譯任中原/綜合外電

熱錢快速撤離貧窮國家,導致大舉難民湧入歐洲。 美聯社



全球金融誠信組織(Global Financial Integrity)的研究指出,全球82個最貧窮國家的資金流出額(估計一年約1兆美元),遠大於國外援助及直接投資的流入額,而這些受熱錢流出打擊最重的地區,正好也是歐盟難民潮的三大主要來源。

More than 1,000 other refugees set off on foot from Budapest's main Keleti station -- where they had been waiting for days to travel onward -- and walked for hours beside a highway. They also were picked up by buses, as were others still at the station.
Over the past week, Keleti station had become a focal point of the crisis engulfing parts of Europe as an unprecedented wave of people -- mostly refugees fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan -- seek to reach Northern and Western Europe.
The refugees on the buses were exhausted but relieved to be on their way, though some expressed doubt that they would actually be taken as far as Austria. "Are they taking us to border?" one man asked suspiciously.
Once in Austria, they plan to head to various parts of Europe -- Germany, Italy, Sweden were among the destinations they named.
Christian Stella, a police commander at the Austrian border, said those refugees who request asylum in Austria are being taken to the Nova Rock stadium in Nickelsdorf.
Those who want to go on to Germany are either being put on special trains to Vienna from Nickelsdorf train station, or bussed directly to Vienna from the border crossing, he said. About 2,500 people had been processed by around noon.
Austria's Interior Ministry warned on its website that it is illegal for private individuals crossing into Hungary to pick up migrants and ferry them back to Austria.
The ministry has, however, asked for Austrian citizens and companies to lend the government land on which to put temporary accommodation for refugees.

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