Sunday, April 26, 2009




遺憾的是,這種嗆聲式的手法,近年已成為台灣問政的基本模式。立法院的質詢,多半不在爭辯政策是非,而以羞辱內閣官員、製造糾紛為能事;也因此,賴幸媛才 會三赴國會卻上不了台。再看「雙英會」的問題,朝野都聲稱邀請對方晤談,卻又故意公開說一些刺耳的話,結果當然是誰也不想踏進對方的場子。包括成龍的失 言,也見政客咬牙切齒地叫囂要取消他代言聽奧的資格。由此看,所謂活力充沛的台灣政治,其實不僅是野性未馴,也是自信心漸失,以致不知如何朝深化民主的方 向推進。

「嗆聲」作為「異議」的一種表達形式,對普羅大眾而言,原具有「政治除魅」的意義。但當嗆聲文化以沛然莫之能禦的姿態喧賓奪主,取代了異議政治及反對政 治,遂使民主政治中一些比較嚴肅的價值和一些確有必要的辯論,也就隨之消失不見了。一個異議者提出論點時通常會說:「我反對這種作法,理由是……。」「我 認為,採取xx方式會比較好。」但嗆聲者只要喊:「去你的!」「賣台!」「不愛台灣!」「下台!」「走狗!」請問:哪一種方式更有助於思辨?

更糟糕的是,嗆聲原不失為庶民對政治不滿的直覺表達,現在卻反過來,以政治為職業的人物利用這種手法來作秀,把殿堂上的政策議論變成市井中的即興呼喝。如 此一來,辯論過程不僅變得淺薄化,也因為夾雜強烈情緒而變得非理性化了。最明顯的例子是,近年台灣始終在抽象的主權議題上打轉,對經濟、社會、民生問題反 而粗率以對,連扁家弊案也無法平心討論;近年台灣國力下降、經濟不振、官箴敗壞,這不是淺薄的嗆聲政治之害嗎?

諷刺的是,嗆聲文化的大流行,包括「嗆」字成為台灣的常用詞彙,其實是公元兩千年以後的事。亦即,台灣已完成政黨輪替,政治人物反而開始大肆歌頌「嗆聲文 化」,這正是異議精神劣質化及空洞化的開始。威權統治年代,異議人士猶能建構強大的論述去抗議統治者,及爭取支持者;相形之下,今天在野黨只要信口謾罵, 就自以為盡到反對黨言責,這難道不是對民主政治的輕薄?


那年,民進黨推出一個徵求「嗆聲新世代」的廣告,畫面中將希特勒和卡斯楚、李登輝、甘迺迪並列為勇於嗆聲的時代英雄,結果引起德國和以色列等國的抗議。這 反映了其兩個思維盲點:第一,身為執政黨,卻鼓勵新世代向在野黨嗆聲,這完全是煽惑民粹的操作,也有違民主政治在野監督在朝之精神。第二,將希特勒和甘迺 迪並列,顯示其歷史認知的淺薄,以及對民主價值缺乏真正的理想。


【2009/04/26 聯合報

這種旅遊品質 誰不火大






【2009/04/26 聯合報

Monday, April 20, 2009

教宗 將向加國原住民道歉







在政府方面,加國政府於2005年宣布一項總額20億加幣的賠償計畫,並於去年正式道歉。在宗教團體方面,安立甘教會、聯合教會等都已陸續為參與這一段歷 史公開道歉,並呼籲尊重原住民文化與歷史,但當時經營四分之三住宿學校的羅馬天主教會,一直沒有說明他們要如何面對這一段尷尬的歷史悲劇。

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Dreamed A Dream Lyrics

There was a time when men were kind,
And their voices were soft,
And their words inviting.
There was a time when love was blind,
And the world was a song,
And the song was exciting.
There was a time when it all went wrong...

I dreamed a dream in time gone by,
When hope was high and life, worth living.
I dreamed that love would never die,
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung, no wine, untasted.

But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart,
And they turn your dream to shame.

He slept a summer by my side,
He filled my days with endless wonder...
He took my childhood in his stride,
But he was gone when autumn came!

And still I dream he'll come to me,
That we will live the years together,
But there are dreams that cannot be,
And there are storms we cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living,
So different now from what it seemed...
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


最近大家都在看燕子。美國的金融類股自3月9日以來到本周一已經飆升了62%,銀行業的業績甚至顯著優於預期。其中最值得注意的是高盛(Goldman Sachs)。高盛第一季財報,淨利高達18.1億美元,超乎外界預期。

高盛是跨國銀行控股公司集團,一直是投資銀行中的翹楚。投資銀行的主要業務,包括證券承銷、股票和債券交易以及提供併購建議、重組及清算業務。投資銀行因 為其具體內涵,根據國家和時代的不同有所差別,這個名詞也容易誤導大眾。按照嚴格的定義,投資銀行並不屬於銀行的範疇,反而較像金融事務代辦事務所。在台 灣、中國、日本等亞洲國家比較像證券公司。在歐洲稱為商人銀行。

一般而言,商業銀行是經營間接融資業務的,接受大眾存款及承作貸款,利用存放款之間的利差來賺取利潤;而投資銀行,既不接受存款也不發放貸款,經營直接融 資業務,在前述業務中抽取傭金。此外,投資銀行還向投資者提供證券經紀服務和資產管理服務,並運用自有資本,在資本市場上進行投資或投機交易。

金融海嘯之所以發生,很多人歸咎次級房貸包裝的衍生性金融商品,這就是投資銀行的傑作。投資銀行又因為本身財務槓桿玩得太大,紛紛倒閉或被併購。因此迄今 投資銀行除了高盛和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),其他第三名以後的美林(Merrill Lynch)、雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)、貝爾斯登(Bear Stearns)以及所羅門兄弟(Salomon Brothers)和Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette都已不復存在。

金融海嘯之所以嚴重,普遍的一個看法就是不該讓雷曼兄弟倒掉。時代雜誌、華爾街日報都認為這是2008最愚蠢的事件。像台灣雷曼連動債、香港迷你債,淨值 為零,甚至影響到諸多不保本的連動債,跌破下檔保護,都是雷曼害的。雷曼兄弟會倒,有陰謀論一說是當時的美國財長寶森(Henry Paulson)出身高盛。高盛是雷曼的死對頭,所以寶森見死不救。

金融海嘯後,五大投資銀行中碩果僅存的高盛和摩根士丹利,轉型成為金融控股公司,可以兼營商業銀行業務以吸收存款並受美聯儲監管。但最近高盛總裁科恩 (Gary Cohn)幾次的公開談話,聲明無意摒棄從投資銀行業務中實現利潤的業務模式。換句話說,高盛仍在堅持其投資銀行業務,不會去尋找能提供存款的客戶。因為 直接競爭對手是提供全面服務的銀行,如花旗集團 (Citigroup)、美國銀行(Bank of Am

拾荒度日? 王雪峰:別為我哭泣

拾荒度日? 王雪峰:別為我哭泣












蔡啟芳做代工 阿霞是仲介









Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Taxing, a ritual to save the species


Taxing, a Ritual to Save the Species

Published: April 13, 2009
A version of this article appeared in print on April 14, 2009, on page D1 of the New York edition

On these taxing days, when we become a defiantly bipartisan nation of whiners convinced that we are handing over to the Internal Revenue Service our blood and sweat and mother’s milk, our pound of flesh and firstborn young, maybe it’s time for a little perspective.

the public till, and not just metaphorically speaking, either. Benjamin Franklin was right to equate paying taxes with a deeply organic behavior like dying. It turns out that giving up a portion of one’s income for the sake of the tribe is such a ubiquitous feature of the human race that some researchers see it as crucial to our species’ success. Without ritualized taxation, there would be precious little hominid representation.

Moreover, plenty of nonhuman animals practice the tither’s art, too, demanding that individuals remit a portion of their food, labor, comfort or personal fecundity for the privilege of group membership. And just as the I.R.S. depends on threat of audit as much as it does on anybody’s sense of civic responsibility, so do other toll-collecting species ensure compliance by meting out swift punishment against tax cheats. For example, Marc Hauser of Harvard University has found that when a rhesus monkey is out foraging and comes upon a source of especially high-quality food, like, say, a batch of ripe coconuts, the monkey is expected to give a characteristic food call to alert its comrades to the find. “The bad thing about doing a food call is that it means others will come and take some of the food,” said Laurie R. Santos, who studies the primates at Yale University. Yet a monkey who opts to keep mum about its discovery could face worse. Should other group members happen by while the private feast is under way, they will not only claim the food for themselves, but the most dominant among them will also beat the cheater indignantly.

Not everybody is subject to a big macaque attack. Adolescent males that have only recently transferred into the group are not required to issue food alerts. They are, as yet, on probation, and only upon gaining the rights of full citizenship will the young males be expected to shoulder its duties.

The more closely knit an animal society is, and the more interdependent its members, the higher the rate of taxation. Among bell miner birds of Australia, for example, pairs of breeding adults are assisted at the nest by several youthful helpers, usually male. The helpers provision the couple’s fledglings with a steady supply of lerp, sugary casings secreted by plant-sucking insects. And though some scientists had wondered whether lerp wasn’t basically a junk food, offered up to the young bell miners as much for show as for substance, researchers report in the March issue of Animal Behaviour that lerp is, in fact, as important to the fledglings’ growth as is the meatier arthropod prey supplied by their parents. By all evidence, the helper birds are honestly “paying to stay,” trading a valuable currency for the right to remain within the aggressively guarded precincts of a bell miner breeding colony, with the hope of better times and personal propagation opportunities ahead.

Or at least of averting personal injury. Among another Australian species of cooperatively breeding birds, the superb fairy-wren, dominant males notice when their helpers are less than superb about paying their taxes. Should a helper fail to feed and groom the dominant’s nestlings, or to give an alarm call on seeing intruders enter the territory, the dominant male will angrily chase, harass and peck at the helper, for up to 26 hours at a time. In the case of the highly social cichlid fish, fear of punishment inspires delinquent helper fish to ostentatiously redouble their contributions to the communal nest, their digging in the sand, their cleaning and fanning of the eggs — rather like politicians who suddenly pony up three years of back taxes for themselves, the nanny and the gardener. “If they don’t pay their bill, there will be punishment,” said Michael Taborsky of the University of Bern, “so they try to pre-emptively appease the dominant individuals in the group.”

If hope and fear don’t guarantee compliance, there’s always embarrassment. Vampire bats are famous for their willingness to regurgitate a blood meal to feed fellow bats that are down on their luck. In fact, hiding one’s wealth is a problem. A fully fed vampire bat is as bloated as a fraternity water balloon, and the bats appear to rub bellies to see who is in a position to share. “It’s hard to cheat when your stomach is obviously distended,” Dr. Santos said.

It’s also hard to cheat when you live in a small band of big-brained, sharp-eyed individuals, as humans did for vast stretches of our past, which may help explain why we are so easily taxed. “There’s not a human society in the world that doesn’t redistribute food to nonrelatives,” said Samuel Bowles, director of the behavioral sciences program at the Santa Fe Institute. “Whether it’s through the state, or the chief, or a rural collective, or some other mechanism, food sharing of large nutritional packages is quite extensive and has been going on for at least 100,000 years of human history.” In hunting and foraging cultures, the proportional tax rate is so high, said Dr. Bowles, that “even the Swedes would be impressed.”

Take the case of the Ache tribe of Paraguay. Hunters bring their bounty back to a common pot. “The majority of calories are redistributed,” he said. “It ends up being something like a 60 percent income tax.”

Pastoral and herding societies tend to be less egalitarian than foraging cultures, and yet, here, too, taxing is often used to help rectify extreme inequities. When a rich cattle farmer dies among the Tandroy of southern Madagascar, Dr. Bowles said, “The rich person’s stock is killed and eaten by everyone,” often down to the last head of cattle. “That’s a 100 percent inheritance tax.”

Modern taxes are just a “newfangled version of commitment to the group,” said David Sloan Wilson of Binghamton University, the result of the invention of money. Yet even with our elaborate, abstracted tax code, fear of public opprobrium remains an impressive motivator. “It’s expected that powerful, high-status members of society should be contributing more,” Dr. Wilson said. “If they don’t, they won’t remain high status for long.” And for the fat bats among us who just won’t cough up the goods — there’s always jail.